How Digital Marketers Should Connect With Smartphone Consumers

Smartphone Consumers

With a rapidly growing population of mobile users (3.6 Billion) today, it becomes essential for businesses to create robust customer engagement; if they are to stay in the challenging market competition. Subsequently, digital marketing professionals must adapt to the evolving consumer behaviour, who now consult their Smartphones and mobile devices before purchasing.

Google suggests marketers should consider new strategies to connect with consumers through different digital marketing channels to gain quality conversions. Mobile marketing plays a vital role for brand managers to meet their customers. A recent Google Analytics report indicates that smartphones help users make a decision, 57% of users visit a store, 39% of users will call a business to inquire, and 51% will create an online purchase.
With such positive figures, marketing professionals can connect with consumers by employing these four tactics:

Evaluate Your Brand’s Reach Beyond Mobile Sales

It is essential to consider all the available options to advertise and promote your products; when customers are searching for your brand/product reviews, prices and sizes on their smart devices. Google Adwords is the paid advertisement method that can put your digital marketing in full steam. This tool lets you determine the platforms that deeply influence your sales, whether shopping from the mobile app or in-store.

Fulfil Multi-Device Consumer Behavior

Google Analytics data indicate that 90% of consumers use their smartphones for performing searches and watching videos. About 40% of smartphone users research a product on their mobile phones before they purchase desktop access. This elite group of consumers has a better chance of being influenced by marketing. Digital Marketers, therefore, should determine the channels that drive sales for their customers.

Marketers should study analytics to understand consumer experience and behaviour and use pre-determined marketing channels to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts. By combining these strategies, marketers can drive a targeted audience to the store/website, where companies can engage with the consumers and convert them into customers.

Evaluate Phone Calls & Installed Apps Metrics

A recent Market & Advertising report indicates that phone calls convert customers at a higher rate than website visits. Google suggests that organizations should treat app users as high-value customers, even if they do not make an instant purchase, because someday they will become loyal customers.

A recent study conducted by a Digital Marketing agency saw a 52% of digital refills of prescriptions came from mobile phones via SMS or a barcode scan through an app. The professionals discovered that shoppers who used the app spent six times more than shoppers who did not.

Manage Consumers Through All Channels and Departments

Micro-analysis’s effect on your organization greatly depends on your ability to coordinate initiatives. Since different factors drive your consumer behaviour; therefore it is essential to approach your marketing strategy that includes a feedback option from other channels and departments – from brand marketing to merchandising.

Offer incentives or motivate your teams to improve cross-functional communication in the organization to track business goals and results.